Dont really have time to bore you with a day to day account in the blog. but Basically My poor preparation didnt hinder me at all because I bumped into this french dude on the first day and he sorts out my accomadation needs without me having to say anything at all... besides a few nods and smiles. So thats good.
Im on Day 12 and going strong; Stayed in a nunnery last night which was a bit mad, felt like I was in school again. We all had to stay standing until she said a prayer before dinner ( weirdos!! hehe) but the food was lovely... kinda Irish food which went down well. Im also walking with 2 brazillian ladies and a german guy who is married to one of them; hes gas craic and really the only person I actually walk with; the others I just meet in the evening. ( The brazillians dont speak english and the french guy talks too much crap!!). but lately I've taken to walking ahead on my own anyway.
No injuries to report, had a tiny blister but forgot that and my aaankles were sore but they seem to have cleared up too. Have walked nearly 100k in the last 3 days so were flying across the south of france, I'm stopped in Revel now _ presumably where revels come from and I have another 13k to walk this afternoon to catch up with the rest.
The first few days where difficult as I was getting used to the pace and the heat: it was 35° after 11.30 each day. But the winds changed now and its cold before 10.30 each moring. I really miss the 35°. Now the walking isnt a problem. I would like some younger people to chat with tho. I'm told once I reach Spain there'll be many more people from all over the place. The Arles route has mainly french people., and not that many this time of year. But It is Beautiful everyday; I walk thru forrest service roads and little trails through the woods, tiny tracks up rocky hill and old backroads between vineyards with farmers slaving in the sun.
Dogs are a bollox and I'm looking forward to standing on a smaller one.
We get up at 6 every morning, pack up our stuff, have breakfast ( usually coffee and some bread) and we're out the door as the suns coming up around 7.10. Its really nice, and it seems weird saying that. Then again we're usually asleep not long after 9pm.
Alls going well anyway!! talk to you all soon